In 2025 the Scottish Wildlife Trust will launch a new volunteer portal. Through this online portal, volunteers can view and manage their volunteering activity at the Trust, as well as update personal details and apply for new opportunities. It also allows volunteer managers at the Trust to easily keep track of volunteer activity and get in contact with volunteers when necessary.

Still have a question?

If you would like more information on the new volunteer portal, please email the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Volunteer Database Officer Charlotte Haley,

The new volunteer portal stores your volunteering information, as well as listings of upcoming volunteering opportunities happening at the Trust. As a volunteer, you can log into the portal to view when and where volunteering opportunities are happening, browse new opportunities which you can then apply or register for, and access documents like risk assessments and handbook guides all in one place. You will have your own ‘profile’ on the portal, which allows you to edit and change your personal contact information directly, giving you control over your own data.

The Scottish Wildlife Trust relies upon the support of over 950 volunteers to help us achieve our vision for a network of healthy, resilient ecosystems on land and sea, supporting Scotland’s wildlife and people. This new volunteer management system improves the access, control and security of our volunteer data. Volunteer Management Systems are becoming the increasingly common way for charities to securely manage volunteer data – if you volunteer for another organisation you may already be familiar with them.

You’ll receive an email inviting you to log onto the platform, change your password, and amend any personal details if necessary.

Emails from the portal will come from TeamKinetic (the company that hosts the portal), at this email address:

If you do not receive an email by the end of March 2025, please contact the Volunteer Database Officer at

All the information contained in the the ‘My Volunteering’ section, such as handbooks and risk assessments, will be made available on the new portal, so there is no need to log in to two different places to access everything you need to volunteer with us. However, we won’t remove ‘My Volunteering’ straight away while staff and volunteers adjust to the new system.

You will have your own personal login for your account on the volunteer portal. This login will be the email address associated with your account and the password that you set up when first logging in. You can save these details to your browser or a password manager. If you forget or lose these details, you can reset your password easily on the login page.

If you are not able to login or use the platform, speak to your volunteer manager or contact the Volunteer Database Officer at

Your data will be stored securely in accordance with Scottish Wildlife Trust’s privacy policy. Your data will be visible to your volunteer managers, so that they can get in touch with you and access any emergency contact details you have provided. It will also be visible to a small group of Trust staff who act as administrators of the online portal. It will not be visible to anyone else.

You can view the privacy policies of TeamKinetic, the company which hosts this new portal, here.

You can view the Trust’s privacy notice here.

Yes! Your volunteer manager is still your main point of contact with the Trust and they will continue to contact you via email and telephone as appropriate They are also able to send emails via the volunteer portal, so these will come from their usual email address but have the portal’s signature email branding. If you need to reply, your reply email will still go to the usual email address of the volunteer manager.

If you are undertaking volunteering with SSRS only you do not need to create an account on the new portal, as the SSRS Community Hub is continuing in its current format as the primary means for volunteers and staff to connect and manage volunteer related activities and squirrel related data.


If, however, you separately volunteer for the Trust in a different capacity, you will be sent an email from the new portal to login for these separate volunteering activities.

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