Our Free Wills Scheme is aimed at supporters of the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

In order to request a free Will, please complete the form below.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQs here.

We will need to share your details with the National Free Wills Network, who will only use your details to contact you about making a Will for free.

Please note if you are not a current supporter of the Scottish Wildlife Trust, you can still make an enquiry in to the Scheme by emailing us.

  • We will keep you up-to-date with details about the Free Will Scheme and gifts in Wills by post. Please indicate if you are happy for us to keep in touch with you about the work of the Scottish Wildlife Trust and gifts in Wills in any of the following ways:
  • You can update your preferences at any time by contacting us on 0131 312 4770. You can see our full privacy statement on our website

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