Make your own nature wand 

Make your very own nature wand. This activity is all about fun, imagination and being inspired by nature.

Your wand can be used for many things: to help you focus and notice the nature around you, a nature potion stirrer, a cool Halloween prop or even a reading pointer. The power is yours!


© Lyndsay Mark

What you will need:

  • A carefully selected stick around 30 cm long
  • Natural objects like feathers, leaves, acorns
  • String or wool
  • Optional – natural salt dough, marble, potato peeler, sandpaper

How to make a nature wand

  1. Find a stick:
  • Sticks can be found in woodlands, parks and even washed up on beaches as driftwood.
  • Think of a diameter no more than your thumb.
  • Search for an interesting shape and feel.
  • Break sticks to desired length.
  • Prepare your stick – break to your perfect size and take off any rough or sharp bits with sandpaper.
  1. Decorate your wand: You can be as creative as you like, here are some ideas:
  • Make a handle by winding wool or dough around one end of the wand. How to make salt dough
  • Add a flourish at the end by securing natural objects like feathers or acorn caps with wool.
  • Write your name or draw pictures on light coloured wood. You can scrape some bark off using a potato peeler to help.
  • Add colour if you like but remember that being able to recycle and put back into nature after you have finished playing is best. So, avoid glue, wire and glitter to be eco-friendly.
  1. Using your wand:
  • Think about the powers from nature you would like. Growth, purifying, can you sense the weather or talk to animals?
  • Pretend to cast spells – only for good and protection.
  • What other things can you do with your wand? Point out nature around you, stir a potion, dress up as a fairy, point to words in a magic book.


Share photos of your wild makes using #DiscoverLearnPlay

This activity was created as part of our annual Halloween celebrations at

Falls of Clyde Wildlife Reserve and Visitor Centre.

Time to complete

1 hour

Suitable for age

Suitable location

Curriculum linked

Expressive Arts (Art and design, drama)

Sciences (Planet Earth)

Health and Wellbeing


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