Your personal information will be recorded in the Trust’s supporter database and will be retained only for as long as is permitted by UK legislation. All information you supply will be held in strict confidence for use within the Trust only and unless you give prior written consent, your personal data will not be provided to any third party except where we have a legitimate interest (such as a joint project with another organisation where volunteers are shared) and/or statutory obligation to do so (eg where asked by the police).
We will only process and store your personal data if you become a volunteer. If not, we will destroy/delete your application within 12 months.
We have a data retention period of 7 years after you finish volunteering with us after which all your personal data will be destroyed/deleted. We will however retain non-detailed, generic data such as the fact that you were once a Trust volunteer.
We are committed to the safekeeping of personal details of our members, supporters and anyone else whose information we hold. The Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Privacy Notice explains how and why we use your personal data, to ensure that you remain informed and in control of your information.
In accordance with new regulations, as of 25 May 2018 we need your permission to stay in touch by email. If you would like to hear from the Scottish Wildlife Trust by email about future volunteer related events, news and activities, please let us know using the options below. Please be aware that this will not affect your receipt of communications directly relevant to the administration of your role, nor from wider areas of the Scottish Wildlife Trust, if you are a member.