Beating the bulge and the winter blues
Happy New Year and welcome 2018. Many of us have over indulged over the Christmas period and some of us start the New Year with resolutions such as healthy eating and exercise. So if the gym or exercise classes are not for you, a way to get healthy this year and one of the best exercises for us is to walk. This improves our physical health and mental wellbeing.
A brisk walk in one of our reserves on a sunny day is a great way to get out and about and it is also provides an opportunity to spot a variety of wildlife. Our Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve Keltneyburn Meadow is great place to stop first, if you are feeling particularly energetic and are aiming to walk up Schiehallion Mountain.
This summer we are hosting 2 events at Keltneyburn meadow which are, Awesome orchids and a Bumble bee identification workshop. Keep a look out for our events diary for dates.

Alternatively a gentle stroll beside the Tummel River on one our Tomdachoille shingle island is a good spot to see wildfowl and evidence of Beaver activity.
During my routine checks on the Perthshire reserves today I saw Buzzards, Geese and Roe deer. So why not get out your binoculars and walking boots and head outside this weekend. If you do spot any interesting wildlife on our reserves you can always let us know by emailing
Rachael Hunter
Perthshire Ranger
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Happy New Year and welcome 2018. Many of us have over indulged over the Christmas period and some of us start the New Year with resolutions such as healthy eating …