The Scottish Wildlife Trust welcomes the announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment Richard Lochhead, that from October 2014 all retailers will place a minimum 5p levy on plastic bags.
Under the legislation, retailers will redistribute this levy to good causes. The Trust believes this is an excellent opportunity to increase funding for wildlife conservation – filling the gap left from landfill related funds as Scotland becomes more efficient at processing waste.
Head of Policy and Planning for the Scottish Wildlife Trust, Dr Maggie Keegan, said: “The Scottish Wildlife Trust welcomes the announcement by Mr Lochhead that a 5p levy on plastic bags will be introduced from October 2014.
“Plastic bags have a detrimental effect on wildlife and our countryside – birds are often entangled and killed or injured by the disgraceful amount of bags blowing around Scotland and marine mammals are particularly vulnerable as bags are frequently eaten and get caught in their digestive tracts. Even when bags are broken down, the resulting polymers are toxic and get into the food chain.”
“The Scottish Wildlife Trust believes that if the levy is redistributed with a green focus, it could really help to achieve a healthier environment for people and wildlife and compensate for the harm that plastic bags have caused in the past.
“Conservative estimates place the reduction of income to environmental causes by the reduction in landfill tax monies at £5 million.
“And the Scottish Wildlife Trust believes that the Scottish Government may have a real opportunity to offset this loss with the plastic bag levy.”