Viking Heaths project exhibition at Orkney Museum

A new exhibition at the Orkney Museum showcasing five years of a project to increase understanding of Orkney’s heath environments opens this Saturday (March 6) at the Orkney Museum, Tankerness House, Kirkwall.
‘An Understanding of Orkney's Heath – Presented by the Viking Heaths Project’ is an exhibition of photographs, including winning entries in the Viking Heath Project photographic competition in both the adult and junior categories.
Paul Tyer, Project Administrator for the Viking Heath Project, said: “The Viking Heath’s photographic exhibition is a celebration of the work undertaken during the five year partnership project.
“The project’s been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund with support from Scottish Natural Heritage, Orkney Islands Council, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Scottish Wildlife Trust and Orkney Enterprise.
“We’ll be displaying a collection of winning entries from the Viking Heaths 2009 photographic competition, including entries from the UK and Europe.
“Alongside that, we’ll have images showing a selection of work done by the project over the years.
“Viking Heaths has assisted in developing access for new and improved footpaths and interpretation displays to help educate and inform visitors about the unique and fragile heath lands in Orkney.
“Working with our project partners and Orkney landowners the project has demonstrated proactive and integrated environmental management.”
The exhibition is at Orkney Museum, Tankerness House, Kirkwall and runs from March 6 to 27. The Orkney Museum is open Monday to Saturday, from 10.30 – 12.30 and 1.30 – 5.00, and admission is free.

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A new exhibition at the Orkney Museum showcasing five years of a project to increase understanding of Orkney’s heath environments opens this Saturday (March 6) at the Orkney Museum, Tankerness …

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