Spring brings daily opening hours for Montrose Basin Visitor Centre

SWT's Montrose Basin Visitor Centre, a popular Angus tourist attraction, which is estimated to draw in over 12,000 visitors each year, is now preparing to extend its opening hours in a bid to appeal to even more visitors over spring and summer-time this year. 
From Monday 15 March, the centre will open its doors from 10.30 am to 5 pm every day. 
The centre boasts a large viewing window overlooking Montrose Basin Wildlife Reserve, a site of particular scientific interest thanks to its importance as a breeding area for many migratory bird species.  Binoculars are available to help visitors’ spot local wildlife, and the centre also includes interactive displays designed to make learning about wildlife fun for children. 
SWT’s Montrose Basin Visitor Centre Manager Caroline Hendry said: “For many wild species, the beginning of March usually marks the start of spring and prompts behavioural changes.  Birds are making their seasonal migrations and between March and May they arrive at their breeding grounds to hatch and raise their young.  These activities are enthralling to watch and make it a great time to extend our opening hours to give more people the opportunity to come along and enjoy our wild attractions. 
“At Montrose Basin, our first seasonal arrival in March is usually the sandmartin.  Thanks to our artificial sandmartin wall, which has seen this species breed successfully for many years, visitors to our centre can watch all their goings-on with ease.  During this month, the last of our pink-footed geese can also be seen leaving our reserve.  Their spectacular departures make for fascinating early morning views.  And while some of our species come and some go, visitors can always be sure to enjoy the sight our colony of over 15 common seals, as they bask on our sand beds each day.
 “From March onwards, our events calendar will also begin to ramp up for the warmer seasons.  We hope local families will come along to enjoy the events we have planned, especially those for Easter during the school holidays.  We are also eagerly awaiting the arrival of our terns, both the common and arctic species, which visit our Basin to make their roost and breed during May. 
“By becoming a member of the SWT, you can visit all three SWT Visitor Centres as many times as you like throughout the year, and also help and support our organisation as we work to protect all of Scotland’s wildlife for the future.”
A fundraising appeal to allow the SWT to fund a project to install a bird watching camera at Montrose Basin Visitor Centre, which will allow live close-up images of the Basin’s bird life to be transmitted to a big screen at the visitor centre and live online, is now underway.  The SWT needs to raise a further £6,500 to be added to a collection of over £13,500 already secured from contributions from the Scottish Natural Heritage and the SWT’s local North Angus Members’ Centre, to make the £20,000 project possible.  To donate today to support this project, send your gift to ‘Montrose Basin Webcam Appeal, Scottish Wildlife Trust, FREEPOST, EH858, EDINBURGH, EH4 0HX.’
For more information about SWT’s Montrose Basin Visitor Centre, contact Caroline Hendry, Visitor Centre Manager on  01674 676336. 
Notes to Editors
1. Montrose Basin Visitor Centre is open daily from 15 March – 31 October from 10.30am – 5.00pm and from 1 November to 28 February on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays only from 10.30am – 4.00pm. Admission: Adults (concessions) £4.00 (£3.00), Family £7.50, SWT members free. For more information, please call 01674 676336.
2. Montrose Basin Visitor Centre can be found on the A92 Montrose to Arbroath road just one mile south of Montrose. Follow the brown signs from the centre of Montrose (OS Sheets 54 – grid ref. NO 700 564). For more information visit www.swt.org.uk.
3. SWT is the largest voluntary body working for all the wildlife of Scotland, representing more than 35,000 members who care for wildlife and the environment. SWT seeks to raise public awareness of threatened habitats and species and manages over 120 reserves Scotland-wide.
4. SWT receives financial assistance and support from Scottish Natural Heritage and the People’s Postcode Lottery.

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SWT's Montrose Basin Visitor Centre, a popular Angus tourist attraction, which is estimated to draw in over 12,000 visitors each year, is now preparing to extend its opening hours in a …

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