The Scottish Wildlife Trust today (02/09/09) lodged its objection to a planning application by Trump International Golf Links Scotland. SWT believe that the planning application for marram grass planting, preparatory earthworks and chestnut pale fencing on the inner dunes at Menie Links is in clear breach of the conditions set out in the Section 75 Agreement under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.
Although SWT maintains its objection to the development of the golf course and resort development, because of the unreasonable and unjustified impact on the designated features of the Foveran Links Special Site of Scientific, now that outline planning permission has been granted, we believe it is crucial that all the conditions of planning consent are met (as stated in the Section 75 Agreement), to minimise the extent of the damage caused by the development to the SSSI and biodiversity features therein. We recommend that Aberdeenshire Council refuse planning permission until all the conditions in the Section 75 Agreement are submitted and agreed by the appropriate body.