British ferns: basics and dips into the difficult ***CANCELLED ***

A follow-up to James Merryweather's April talk, examining the characteristics that distinguish ferns.

We'll be discussing with James the many fern differences, especially some of the tricky ones.

This event will take place at Gleann Casail, near Duirinish, Lochalsh (NG 79703 31392), see map. (If on A87 from the east, turn right beyond Reraig. From Kyle, turn left off A87). Drive through Balmacara and follow signs for Plockton. Just beyond Duirinish bridge turn right into Gleann Casail. Follow the road for half a mile and, just before track on right, park by two rarely used gateways with limited parking space.

We'll meet by a narrow back road which is lined (both sides and up in the trees) with a good representation of Britain's ferns which we can use to learn about structure, identification and bring up lots of questions, not all of which will be answered. Brief stop on leaving to see a couple of species not yet included and lament some others, recently destroyed by forestry. Having lunched in Balmacara Square (bring your own or use the good café), next, a visit to a woodland patch for another fern community.

Limited car parking - please car-share if possible. Café available at lunch stop or bring a packed lunch. Wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. No dogs except assistance dogs please. Children 8+ years only please and must be accompanied by an adult.

Booking essential.

To find out more, and for any booking queries, please contact

Bookable face-to-face events may be subject to change at short notice, which will be communicated to attendees via email by the organiser. Please check your email in advance of attending events. Note that booking generally ends two hours prior to the event start time. If you wish to book to attend after registration has ended, and there are places still available, please contact the organiser direct using the details above.

Image: © Ben Porter






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