Scotland Loves Nature
The Scottish Wildlife Trust is firmly backing an important new campaign, Scotland Loves Nature, together with a group of other environmental NGOs. We are championing the need for a Natural Environment Bill and legally binding nature targets to ensure the best safeguarding and support for wildlife and habitats in Scotland.
The Natural Environment Bill is a key step towards protecting and restoring Scotland’s diverse ecosystems. By setting legally enforceable nature recovery targets, the Bill would ensure that conservation and restoration efforts are not only sustained but are developed, improved and expanded. The targets would provide a clear framework for action, helping to reverse the declines in biodiversity and habitat loss that threaten long term sustainability of nature and people in Scotland.
The Government has already outlined that, amongst other things, growing the economy, focusing on public services and tacking climate change will be big priorities. You know and we know that a healthy natural environment is vital to these priorities and we need to make sure Government fully understand this. A Natural Environment Bill in this Parliamentary term would help create the conditions for a sustainable “green collar” economy.
Nature targets made law by the Natural Environment Bill will help:
- Reverse biodiversity loss by reducing pressures from pollution, habitat destruction, climate change and invasive non-native species.
- Mitigate and adapt to climate change by improving the health of ecosystems such as Atlantic rainforest, peatland and riparian habitats that will sequester carbon, reduce the impact of flooding and drought and help regulate the environment for people and wildlife.
- Ensure accountability of governments and others for their national and international commitments to nature restoration. We need to see consistent and measurable progress, with clear consequences for failing to meet the set goals.
- Bring a just transition as nature restoration creates jobs, supports local economies and enhances community wellbeing. Healthy ecosystems and accessible natural spaces provide essential services such as clean air and water and opportunities to improve our mental health.

Your support is crucial in ensuring the Natural Environment Bill becomes a reality. Without legally binding targets the nature we all enjoy will continue to be eroded and stolen from future generations. We all need to stand up, speak out and take action to protect and restore the natural environment around us. Keep an eye out for ways to get involved and add your voice to really show that Scotland Loves Nature!
If we are serious about tackling the ever growing issues around climate chaos and biodiversity decline – from silage bales being washed out to sea to bird flu decimating our seabirds we need to move beyond talking the talk, we must deliver on our promises. It’s important to bear in mind that Government has already committed to delivering a Natural Environment Bill and we need your help to make sure this does not drop off the agenda.
Recent challenges, such as the revision of Scotland’s climate targets and the collapse of the Bute House Agreement, have raised concerns about the future of Scotland’s environmental ambitions. Additionally, uncertainties surrounding the EU Nature Restoration Law add to these challenges. These developments threaten to reduce the level of ambition the Scottish Government might adopt in the Natural Environment Bill, but by uniting in support of this legislation, we can make sure that Scotland remains committed to ambitious and effective nature restoration goals.
Visit Scotland Loves Nature to find out more.
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The Scottish Wildlife Trust is firmly backing an important new campaign, Scotland Loves Nature, together with a group of other environmental NGOs. We are championing the need for a Natural …