Winter time at Loch of the Lowes
On 1st November, Loch of the Lowes moved into winter mode!
Our opening times now are 10.30am-4pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday with slightly lower admission charges during these short, dark days. The Double Decker Hide remains open 24/7 and (I am reliably informed) the dawn is absolutely spectacular over the loch. Please come up and enjoy the peace and beauty with the added bonus of tawny owls hooting, geese calling and, if you’re lucky, a beaver or two creating sparkling bow waves across the water.
On Sunday 17th November we are holding our Stargazing event, when Robert Law from Dundee Observatory comes over to Lowes to tell us about the sky at night. Robert is a mine of information and will bring a presentation with him in case of cloud, so clear or overcast it will be an excellent evening. Booking is essential and you can make sure of a ticket by calling us (01350 727337) or online Book Stargazing
Last Sunday we celebrated the Celtic New year, Samhuinn, with mask and lantern making and pumpkin carving. Like me, I’m sure many of you reading this may remember having numb, strained fingers from creating turnip lanterns? Well, what a relief to carve softer pumpkin skin and remove the pulpy flesh! We like to keep with traditions here, but returning to turnips was a ‘no go’!

Many thanks must go to the wonderful people who gave of their skills from demonstrating the art of fire lighting and leading the flaming torch procession, guiding excited children through three diverse crafts without mishap and giving an atmospheric finale with ‘moon lanterns’ and Storytelling.
We are busy planning our 2020 events and have lots of good ideas!

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On 1st November, Loch of the Lowes moved into winter mode! Our opening times now are 10.30am-4pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday with slightly lower admission charges during these short, dark …