Egg-cellent Easter!
It is great to see both ospreys back on the nest! LM12 and LF15 have been very busy since LM15’s return on Thursday.

The pair have been mating frequently since his arrival so if all went well we could have eggs at the end of next week.
LM15 has been back fishing, suppling a very vocal LF15 when he gets a chance.

The pair have been busy preparing the nest for laying: carrying sticks up to the nest and rearranging them.
We have also seen two other separate ospreys who were quickly greeted by LM12. These could be osprey passing on their own migration or local ospreys checking out the nest.
On the loch we have several pairs of great crested grebes displaying, along with golden eye and tufted ducks.

At the feeding station we have been getting visits from a single male mandarin duck, usually in the morning.

A number of yellowhammers which are looking particularly impressive this spring.

People’s Postcode Lottery Beaver Watch’s start this month! Run on the 11th and 25th of April: enjoy a talk all about beavers and be in with a good chance of seeing them on the Loch!
Interested in purchasing a pair of binoculars or scopes? Not sure what to buy? Come along to the Visitor Centre on the 22nd of April to get all your questions answered and expert advise from a fantastic Viking Optics representative.
Happy Easter everyone, see you soon!
Visitor Centre Assistant
Loch of the Lowes
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It is great to see both ospreys back on the nest! LM12 and LF15 have been very busy since LM15’s return on Thursday. The pair have been mating frequently since …