Preparing for Spring
As you can imagine, anticipation for the ospreys returning is building each day as we draw closer to the end of March. Last year, LM12 arrived at Lowes on the 17th of March, however, migrating ospreys may be effected by the weather conditions. So keep an eye on the blogs and social media for updates!
Around the Visitor Centre we are preparing for a busy season ahead. We have faced a number of challenges with the Osprey Nest Cam and have been working hard to resolve these issues. Maintenance is ongoing and we thank you for your patience.
The webcam is currently on. If you are having issues with the player you could try using a different browser, refreshing your page (if it still shows the video) or updating your flash software.
At the feeding station we are getting regular visits from some very blonde tailed squirrels who are enjoying a good feed after the bad weather. Unusually for us, we had a visit from a group of long tailed tits on the feeders and they have also been spotted flying through the car park.
A group of fallow deer have also been wandering into the feeding station towards the end of the day. They do their best to get into the bird feeders before running off as they are easily spooked.
Despite the snowy, windy weather, it’s beginning to sound like spring around the reserve with a choir eagerly responding to the longer days. The yellowhammers and blue tits are certainly starting to brighten up, or that may just be in contrast to the over-cast conditions today!
The loch has been freezing during the cold nights and then thawing again in the few warmer days. On the parts that aren’t frozen, the swans, along with goldeneye, a couple of coots and wigeon are being seen intermittently.
You can still get your tickets for the Jim Crumley event next week, on Thursday the 15th of March. You may know him from his work: The Eagle’s Way, Nature’s Architect or his column in the Courier. We have tickets for sale at the Visitor Centre and online at
Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Visitor Centre Assistant
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As you can imagine, anticipation for the ospreys returning is building each day as we draw closer to the end of March. Last year, LM12 arrived at Lowes on the …