Final Beaver Watches of the Summer!
Our People’s Postcode Lottery beaver watches have proved so popular that we have decided to run three more events in August. These are likely to be the final beaver watches of the summer and previous events have filled up quickly, so book now to avoid disappointment!
Join us in the evening for a short presentation about beavers, followed by some viewing time in the hide.

Events schedule:
Wed 16th August from 7pm – 9:30pm
Fri 25th August from 7pm – 9:30pm
Wed 30th August from 7pm – 9:30pm
Booking is essential. Tickets: adult £10, Concession/Members £8, Child £5*. For more info/booking call: 01350 727337. Event will be held at Loch of the Lowes Visitors Centre.
*Cash only on the night.
**Events will only be confirmed when a minimum number of bookings have been received
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Our People’s Postcode Lottery beaver watches have proved so popular that we have decided to run three more events in August. These are likely to be the final beaver watches …