July at Loch of the Lowes
It was hot and sunny yesterday and cool and rainy today, which just about sums up the weather so far this month.
Our young ospreys seem to be enjoying the challenges presented by the variation of windy days with choppy waves on the loch and times when it is as still as a mill pond. Both juveniles spend a lot of time perched up on the trees opposite the hide but soon return to the nest when a fish is delivered. Unusually, the female, LF15, caught a fish right in front of the hides yesterday and took it up to the nest for them all to feed. The male, LM12, is still very much in evidence and continues his good work supplying the rest of the food.
A new great crested grebe nest has appeared in good view of the hides and the birds look as if they are sitting on eggs. This is quite late in the season to be producing a clutch and we wish them well incubating and hatching more of these stunning birds. The other nest (mentioned in previous blogs) has been successful, with the proud adults sailing around the loch with not one but two little humbugs on their backs (the chicks are black and white).
Elsewhere on Lowes the red squirrels are being as entertaining as ever and the beavers are regularly visiting the bank near the visitor centre.
The main difference this month has been the departure of our Visitor Centre Assistant Manager, Jonathan. Yesterday was his last day working with us at Lowes and we all wish him every happiness and success for the future in his new home up in Shetland.

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It was hot and sunny yesterday and cool and rainy today, which just about sums up the weather so far this month. Our young ospreys seem to be enjoying the …