Osprey season is now in full swing!

It’s been a very busy and exciting afternoon here at Loch of the Lowes. LM12’s efforts since his arrival have not been in vain as at 1.30pm today LF15 returned to find the nest looking in fine shape – quite the opposite to last year when she arrived first and had to do most of the work!

LF15 returns to Lowes
LF15 returns to Lowes © Scottish Wildlife Trust


As in this pair’s usual style their initial reunion was a somewhat noisy, frosty affair, however it didn’t take long at all for them to settle down and the first mating attempt to be witnessed. It was then business as usual for the rest of the afternoon as LF15 was seen tending the nest and LM12 was on fishing duty, bringing back a great fish feast.

Fish fight © Scottish Wildlife Trust


Everyone here at Loch of the Lowes is delighted to have seen our osprey season start so well – fingers crossed it continues!

Please keep checking our blog for updates over the coming days on how our birds are settling in.


Perthshire Ranger.

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It’s been a very busy and exciting afternoon here at Loch of the Lowes. LM12’s efforts since his arrival have not been in vain as at 1.30pm today LF15 returned …

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