What’s happening at the Falls of Clyde
Normally the season tends to quiet down after the summer holidays when all the children are back at school, but down here at the Falls of Clyde we have been busier then ever. I have a new intern starting on Monday and she will be moving into the caravan. She will be with us for at least 3 months so hopefully winter is not going to be too cold this year! I have been frantically scrubbing it clean; making sure it is all shiny and ready for it’s new inhabitant. She will be helping with loads of different events, practical work and admin around the office.

Next weekend on the 1st October we will be at Fruit Day in the Clyde Valley at Overton Farm. We’re going to be offering free information on tree seed identification, have rowan seed planting (so come along if you’d like to grow your own tree!) and making leaf crowns with the children. Fruit Day starts around 9am and finishes around 1pm. There will be lots of things to see and do, so I would highly recommend it.
Halloween is coming up soon and our events are booking up fast. Our School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be running on the 22nd and 23rd October and is suitable from ages 3-10yrs. If you were thinking of coming along I would book sooner rather then later – www.thefallsofclyde.eventbrite.com. We do pumpkin carving, make wands and brooms, and casts spells and tell spooky stories over an open fire in the woods.
My intern Rebecca will also be helping to develop a new winter tree identification trail. We know how much our visitors enjoy the spring/summer wildflower trail and we’re really excited to be able to offer a new trail this winter that you can all enjoy. If you see us out on the reserve do stop and say hello, we love chatting to visitors!
Laura Preston – Falls of Clyde Ranger, Scottish Wildlife Trust
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Normally the season tends to quiet down after the summer holidays when all the children are back at school, but down here at the Falls of Clyde we have been …