Third chick 25th May
After an anxious wait all day, we finally got to see chick number three hatch at approximately 4.53pm – a very welcome sight as it’s been six years since our nest was home to a clutch of three.
Despite a gruelling battle chipping away at the shell for hours, this chick showed great strength as only minutes after first breaking out and whilst still half inside the egg, it began reaching out for fish! We are hoping that with this level of determination it won’t take it long to start competing for food alongside its siblings.

We hope you are all enjoying the wonderful views of this new family, and we are looking forward to watching their story unfold.
Perthshire Ranger.
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After an anxious wait all day, we finally got to see chick number three hatch at approximately 4.53pm – a very welcome sight as it’s been six years since our …