Geese fly in to Montrose

A flock of over 16,500 pink-footed geese has now arrived in Angus, to take up a seasonal stay at the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s (SWT) Montrose Basin Wildlife Reserve.   Arriving over

Climate change could make soils an earthy problem

On the day the Scottish Government’s consultation on the future of Scotland’s soils closes (Monday 21 September), the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) is warning that climate change could wreak havoc

Appeal launched for beaver project

The Scottish Beaver Trial partners are urging the public to support the project by making a donation to the project. A minimum of £750,000 needs to be raised to support

Glasgow’s greenspace survey

Now in its second year, the Biodiversity in Glasgow (BIG) Project is looking for new volunteers to take part in a survey of Glasgow’s greenspaces for birds and butterflies. The

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