Guess what’s in the nature bag

There are loads of great games you can play in nature. This one will put your memory skills to the test as well as provide a hands on way to interact with natural objects. It’s a fun way to change up the family walk and can be played inside or out  – all you need is a bag.

© Lyndsay Mark

What you will need:

  • An opaque bag
  • An outdoor space to walk through

How to play:

  1. Take a walk and gather items for your game – remember to only collect fallen materials.
  2. At home wash the items, and wash your hands too.
  3. Place the items into the bag and close the bag.
  4. Take it in turns to feel an item in the bag. Without taking it out, describe what the item is like to the rest of the family.
  5. Take a guess at what the item is – pull it out of the bag and see if you were right.
  6. Play continues until all the items have been removed from the bag.
  7. The winner is the person who had the most correct guesses!

Share what’s in your nature bag using #DiscoverLearnPlay

This activity was developed as part of the Cumbernauld Living Landscape project.



Time to complete

40 mins - 1 hour

Suitable for age

Suitable location

Resource Level

Curriculum linked

Social Studies (People, place, environment)

Sciences (Biology, ecology, natural history, planet Earth topic)

Languages (Literacy and English – Listening and talking)


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