Wildlife Diary 31st October

 The first Whooper swans flew into theLoch of the the Lowes this morning- six graceful shapes overhead, with a rather less graceful sound! Their ‘whooping’ call, trumpeted loudly in flight and on

Halloween Spooktacular

On the weekend of the 29th and 30th of October the Falls of Clyde visitor centre will be having a special Halloween event. The Halloween spooktacular weekend will included traditional

Wildlife Blog 24th October

Autumn has well and truly arrived on all our Perthshire reserves this week, as the first frosts and snowfalls are felt, and the woodland colours reach their finest.  At Loch

Geese galore….!

Those of you local to the basin here at Montrose can’t have failed to notice the fantastic spectacle of the Icelandic Geese which winter on the basin.  We saw the

Wildlife Blog 7th October 2011

 Whilst daylight hours are ever decreasing, the wildlife interest here at Loch of the Lowes certainly isn’t.   Over the last week wildfowl numbers out on the loch have been steadily

September sign off

Around the Loch this week we have been watching the juvenile Great crested grebes growing rapidly and pretty much looking after themselves. One pair of adults are still feeding a

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