Wildlife Blog 12th August 2011

Good afternoon all,

Events from the nest:

Our resident pair have not been seen on the nest today.

For any more questions regarding our ospreys that you may have, please check our dedicated FAQ page and see if you can find the answer you are looking for.

Other Wildlife at Loch of the Lowes:

Today on the loch there were four great crested grebes, two grey herons and five mute swans.

At the feeding station there were six pheasants (three females and three males), three great spotted woodpeckers (two of which were juveniles), three robins, two blue tits, two great tits, two coal tits, ten chaffinch, two greenfinch, three siskins and a red squirrel.

Over the last few days during our visits to other reserves we have been seeing vast numbers of young pheasants on the road and in surrounding fields. This can be a problem at this time of year as they often cross from one side to the other and we only hope drivers will take care when using back roads.

Conservation work and sightings on the Perthshire reserves:

Today the conservation team were cutting more Bracken on Balnaguard, this is becoming a difficult task as it is becoming very dense in areas that have not previously been cut. There was a nice sight when we first arrived, a young fawn was startled and separated from its mother so we stood still until it built up the courage to run over to her.

There are still many wild flowers in bloom despite the wet weather; seen today were tormentil, harebell, ladys bedstraw, and eyebright along with a mass of yellow birds-foot trefoil.

Mushrooms and fungi are starting to become more common place at this time of year and give a colourful tint to the woodland floor.

Perthshire Reserves Conservation Team

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Good afternoon all, Events from the nest: Our resident pair have not been seen on the nest today. For any more questions regarding our ospreys that you may have, please check …

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