Protection for our peregrines ramps up as first two eggs are laid!

Thanks to funding from the People’s Postcode Lottery and a dedicated team of staff and volunteers here at the Falls of Clyde, we’re proud to announce that, from this weekend, we’ll be ramping up our peregrine protection with the launch of our 24-hour watch over the nest.

What’s most exciting about the protection watch is that we have a nest cam which  will soon be streaming live to allowing wildlife enthusiasts across Scotland to follow all the action on the nest, from the laying and hatching of the eggs to the chicks’ first flight.

We’re appealing to volunteers to help stake-out the peregrines nesting ground at the Falls of Clyde.  For more information, contact 01555 665262.

© Scottish Wildlife Trust

And as it happens, the start of our protection watch couldn’t have come at a better time!  The first and second eggs have already been laid by our female falcon. The first egg was laid in the early hours of the morning on Thursday the 24th March and the 2nd at around 3.30pm on Friday 25th March. Since we noticed it, we’ve been watching as the falcon has remained on the eyrie and has only left to go and hunt. The tiercel, or male falcon, is also taking his turn on the eyrie. We would expect a clutch of three to four eggs to be laid over the next week.

Tom – Species Protection Officer

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Thanks to funding from the People’s Postcode Lottery and a dedicated team of staff and volunteers here at the Falls of Clyde, we’re proud to announce that, from this weekend, …

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