Osprey Diary 19th August

Update: Camera problems again folks! Bare with us! Also, 3 ospreys have been seen flying around, although we have no idea if they are ‘our’ ospreys or visitors!

  Thanks to everyone who has sent osprey sightings from around the UK, and we hope you are enjoying seeing them in your neck of the woods. The next month or so should be a very productive as far as sightings go, except for those of us in the far north whose sightings will dwindle.

 As the wonders of migration unfold this autumn, we are lucky to be able to follow some osprey’s journeys in real time via tracking technology. We did not have the opportunity to satellite track our ospreys here at Lowes this year but there are young birds being tracked by Roy Dennis of the Highland Foundation for wildlife from Speyside and at the Lake District Osprey project (www.ospreywatch.co.uk). Check out their websites for detailed updates of the chick’s progress this migration season. You can also follow some birds all winter via Roy site: www.roydennis.org.

 Our male osprey has been around on the nest at Loch of the Lowes over the last day or so, but still no sign of the chicks- they must be out and about in the area , so we will let you know of any sightings today.

 Emma Rawling

 Perthshire Ranger

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Update: Camera problems again folks! Bare with us! Also, 3 ospreys have been seen flying around, although we have no idea if they are ‘our’ ospreys or visitors!   Thanks …

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